Nuclide1 | Rounded General Clearance Level (Bq/g) | Nuclide1 | Rounded General Clearance Level (Bq/g) | Nuclide1 | Rounded General Clearance Level (Bq/g) | Nuclide1 | Rounded General Clearance Level (Bq/g) |
H-3 | 100 | Tc-97m | 10 | Sm-151 | 100 | Th-231 | 100 |
Be-7 | 10 | Tc-99 | 1 | Sm-153 | 10 | Th-232+ | 0.01 |
C-14 | 10 | Ru-97 | 1 | Eu-152 | 0.1 | Th-234+ | 10 |
Na-22 | 0.1 | Ru-103+ | 1 | Eu-154 | 0.1 | Pa-230 | 1 |
P-32 | 100 | Ru-106+ | 1 | Eu-155 | 10 | Pa-231 | 0.01 |
P-33 | 100 | Rh-105 | 10 | Gd-153 | 10 | Pa-233 | 1 |
S-35 | 100 | Pd-103+ | 1000 | Tb-160 | 0.1 | U-230+ | 1 |
Cl-36 | 1 | Ag-105 | 1 | Dy-166 | 10 | U-231 | 10 |
K-40 | 1 | Ag-108m+ | 0.1 | Ho-166 | 10 | U-232+ | 0.1 |
Ca-45 | 100 | Ag-110m+ | 0.1 | Er-169 | 100 | U-233 | 1 |
Ca-47 | 1 | Ag-111 | 10 | Tm-170 | 10 | U-234 | 1 |
Sc-46 | 0.1 | Cd-109+ | 10 | Tm-171 | 100 | U-235+ | 1 |
Sc-47 | 10 | Cd-115+ | 1 | Yb-175 | 10 | U-236 | 1 |
Sc-48 | 0.1 | Cd-115m+ | 10 | Lu-177 | 10 | U-237 | 10 |
V-48 | 0.1 | In-111 | 1 | Hf-181 | 1 | U-238+ | 1 |
Cr-51 | 10 | In-114m+ | 1 | Ta-182 | 0.1 | Np-237+ | 0.1 |
Mn-52 | 0.1 | Sn-113+ | 1 | W-181 | 10 | Np-239 | 10 |
Mn-53 | 1000 | Sn-125 | 1 | W-185 | 100 | Pu-236 | 0.1 |
Mn-54 | 0.1 | Sb-122 | 1 | Re-186 | 100 | Pu-237 | 10 |
Fe-55 | 100 | Sb-124 | 0.1 | Os-185 | 1 | Pu-238 | 0.1 |
Fe-59 | 0.1 | Sb-125+ | 1 | Os-191 | 10 | Pu-239 | 0.1 |
Co-56 | 0.1 | Te-123m | 1 | Os-193 | 10 | Pu-240 | 0.1 |
Co-57 | 1 | Te-125m | 100 | Ir-190 | 0.1 | Pu-241 | 1 |
Co-58 | 0.1 | Te-127m+ | 10 | Ir-192 | 0.1 | Pu-242 | 0.1 |
Co-60 | 0.1 | Te-129m+ | 10 | Pt-191 | 1 | Pu-244+ | 0.1 |
Ni-59 | 100 | Te-131m+ | 1 | Pt-193m | 100 | Am-241 | 0.1 |
Ni-63 | 100 | Te-132+ | 0.1 | Au-198 | 1 | Am-242m+ | 0.1 |
Zn-65 | 1 | Te-134 | 1 | Au-199 | 10 | Am-242m | 0.1 |
Ge-71 | 10000 | I-125 | 1 | Hg-197 | 10 | Am-243+ | 0.1 |
As-73 | 100 | I-126 | 1 | Hg-203 | 1 | Cm-242 | 1 |
As-74 | 1 | I-129 | 0.1 | Tl-200 | 1 | Cm-243 | 0.1 |
As-76 | 1 | I-131+ | 1 | Tl-201 | 10 | Cm-244 | 0.1 |
As-77 | 100 | Cs-129 | 1 | Tl-202 | 1 | Cm-245 | 0.1 |
Se-75 | 1 | Cs-131 | 1000 | Tl-204 | 10 | Cm-246 | 0.1 |
Br-82 | 0.1 | Cs-132 | 1 | Pb-203 | 1 | Cm-247+ | 0.1 |
Rb-86 | 10 | Cs-134 | 0.1 | Pb-210+ | 0.01 | Cm-248 | 0.1 |
Sr-85 | 1 | Cs-135 | 10 | Bi-206 | 0.1 | Bk-249 | 10 |
Sr-89 | 10 | Cs-136 | 0.1 | Bi-207 | 0.1 | Cf-246 | 10 |
Sr-90+ | 1 | Cs-137+ | 1 | Bi-210 | 10 | Cf-248 | 1 |
Y-90 | 100 | Ba-131 | 1 | Po-210 | 0.01 | Cf-249 | 0.1 |
Y-91 | 10 | Ba-140 | 0.1 | Ra-223+ | 1 | Cf-250 | 0.1 |
Zr-93 | 10 | La-140 | 0.1 | Ra-224+ | 1 | Cf-251 | 0.1 |
Zr-95+ | 0.1 | Ce-139 | 1 | Ra-225 | 1 | Cf-252 | 0.1 |
Nb-93m | 100 | Ce-141 | 10 | Ra-226+ | 0.01 | Cf-253+ | 1 |
Nb-94 | 0.1 | Ce-143 | 1 | Ra-228+ | 0.01 | Cf-254 | 0.1 |
Nb-95 | 1 | Ce-144+ | 10 | Ac-227+ | 0.01 | Es-253 | 1 |
Mo-93 | 10 | Pr-143 | 100 | Th-227 | 1 | Es-254+ | 0.1 |
Mo-99+ | 1 | Nd-147 | 10 | Th-228+ | 0.1 | Es-254m+ | 1 |
Tc-96 | 0.1 | Pm-147 | 100 | Th-229+ | 0.1 | ||
Tc-97 | 10 | Pm-149 | 100 | Th-230 | 0.1 |
1 It is recommended to treat the naturally occurring radionuclides, marked with a grey background, resulting from practices, on a case by case basis, where appropriate.
Nuclides* | Rounded GeneralClearance Levels (kBq/kg) | |
All Materials | Wet sludgesfrom oil and gas industry | |
U 238 sec incl. U235 sec** |
0,5 |
5 |
U nat** |
5 |
100 |
Th 230 |
10 |
100 |
Ra 226+ |
0,5 |
5 |
Pb 210+ |
5 |
100 |
Po 210 |
5 |
100 |
U 235sec*** |
1 |
10 |
U 235+ *** |
5 |
50 |
Pa 231 |
5 |
50 |
Ac 227+ |
1 |
10 |
Th 232 sec |
0,5 |
5 |
Th 232 |
5 |
100 |
Ra 228+ |
1 |
10 |
Th 228+ |
0,5 |
5 |
K 40 |
5 |
100 |
* For radionuclides considered to be in secular equilibrium see table above
** U 238 sec and U 235 sec are in their fixed natural ratio (99.275 and 0.72% atomic fraction)
*** Separate values for radionuclides of U 235 series are given here only for information. For NORM these values are never limiting as U 238 and U 235 are always in their fixed natural ratio.
Parent | Nuclides considered in secular equilibrium |
Uranium decay chains | |
U 238sec | U238, Th234, Pa 234m, Pa234 (0,3%), U234, Th230, Ra226, Rn222, Po218, Pb214, Bi214, Po214, Pb210, Bi210, Po210 |
Unat* | U238, Th234, Pa 234m, Pa234 (0,3%), U234, U235(4,6%), Th231(4,6%) |
Th 230 | Th230 |
Ra 226+ | Ra226, Rn222, Po218, Pb214, Bi214, Po214 |
Pb 210+ | Pb210, Bi210 |
Po210 | Po210 |
U 235sec | U235, Th231, Pa231, Ac227, Th227(98,6%), Fr223(1,4%), Ra223, Rn219, Po215, Pb211, Bi211, Th207, Po211(0,3%) |
U 235+ | U235, Th231 |
Pa 231 | Pa231 |
Ac 227+ | Ac227, Th227(98,6%), Fr223(1,4%), Ra223, Rn219, Po215, Pb211, Bi211, Th207, Po211(0,3%) |
Thorium decay chains | |
Th 232sec | Th232, Ra228, Ac228, Th228, Ra224, Rn220, Po216, Pb212, Bi212, Po212(61,1%), Tl208(35,9%) |
Th 232 | Th232 |
Ra 228+ | Ra228, Ac228 |
Th 228+ | Th228, Ra224, Rn220, Po216, Pb212, Bi212, Po212(61,1%), Tl208(35,9%) |
Tabelle ottenute da: EC( European Commission), 2002. Radiation Protection 122, report on Practical use of the concepts of clearance and exemption.